Tomorrow I think we're going to be shipping a case of "olive oil" back home to New York.

So it was that we said goodbye to the Mike Seaver loft and moved along into scenic Douglas, Michigan to occupy Jen's sister's vacated cottage.
Jen's mum had been talking about Crane's Pie Pantry Restaurant since we arrived Sunday night. Today her dreams were realized. Even though they are leaving tomorrow at noon and we only have one night of dinner left she purchased: a rhubarb pie, a dozen donuts, two apple dumplings, a loaf of apple butter bread, a loaf of white bread, raspberry preserves, and honey.

Crane's has an extensive antique collection outside the restaurant which features a large amount of ancient kitchen equipment as well as this sweet machete! If I thought I could slip through airport security with this in my carry on luggage I would have purchased it. It is possible, however, that they would have caught this at the x-ray scanner.

For dinner we started with a great salsa that Jen's dad threw together along with the last of the Round Barn beer. While I purchased an incredible variety of local beers I continually came back to the Round Barn which has easily made its way into my Top Five Beers of All Time list. I purchased the assortment of beers from one of many shops in Saugatuck which is wallpapered with signs strongly recommending its customers to pay with cash and not credit card. Oblivious to these signs I paid with credit card, something Jen chided me for after the fact.

Jen's mum had also been talking about Sequence since last night when me and Lisa destroyed her and Jen two games to one! She wanted to have dinner early so that we could play as much sequence as possible before the hockey game but we did even better: we played a game before we even got to dinner.
Personally I'm looking forward to playing a game by the same manufacturer advertised on the Sequence box: How Tall am I? I'm not sure what the rules are but it sounds like it may have slightly less replay value than Sequence.

Dinner consisted of delicious lamb chops, cabbage slaw, roasted potatoes, asparagus, and marinated tomatoes with camembert.

For dessert I had some of the Crane rhubarb pie, and some of three different donuts from Renzema's Bakery in Parchment, Michigan, where Adam works. The three donuts are a chocolate frosted, the Persian (which is some sort of delicious cinamon bun type thing with a butterscotch crumb top), and a pseudo Boston Creme pie. I've never had a pie with only rhubarb in it before but it was fantastic. I will need to give this a try this summer if I get my hands on any decent rhubarb and if I can somehow come to terms with running a blazing hot oven in the middle of the summer.
After dinner we watched a satisfying end to the Stanley Cup finals. We were delighted to see the Penguins beat the Red Wings and some of us who live in Michigan (and whose names are being left out to protect them) texted our Detroit fan friends to make fun of them within seconds of the game ending.
What more fitting way to put an end to this wonderful Michigan vacation. Tomorrow we spend most of our day in airports and only tiny slices of time actually in the air on our journey back home.
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