2 heads of red romaine lettuce, 1 eggplant, 2 Italian frying peppers, 1 lb of green beans, 1 lb of collard greens, 3 cucumbers, 1 lb of small yellow onions, 6 Juliet tomatoes and 8 tiny red and yellow beets. On the fruit side, we got 14 small green plums.
A pretty tasty selection, but one that leaves me (I am writing this before dinner: I just opened the laptop to come up with recipe ideas!) at a loss -- it's an embarrassment of riches. A side factor is that it's already 7 o'clock, and while Nate won't be home until 8:30 or so, I brought work home with me tonight and, in fact, have a story I need to complete before I head into work tomorrow AM. So I need something that will be quick and yet also be delicious and show off the delicious flavors of our farm share veggies. Hmmmmmm ....
[30 minutes have passed , and I have started watching Army Wives in despair.]
Okay, I think this is the plan: tonight is all about keeping it simple. So, a salad with the red romaine, some cucumbers (just for me, of course) and some of the Juliet tomatoes. Sauteed green beans and tomatoes with garlic and butter. And spinach gnocchi served simply with salt, pepper, olive oil and a sprinkling of Parmesan.

Thus it was written, thus it was done. And I have to say, the Juliet tomatoes are FANTASTIC. So sweet, so flavorful, so tomato-y. The cucumbers were great, too, no matter what Nate thinks. But the real revelation were the green beans and tomatoes -- I had originally going to do green beans on their own, but Nate wanted to use up some of the leftover Jersey tomatoes, so we threw them in the butter and garlic, and it was delicious.
For dessert, more yogurt, granola and cherries. I fear the cherries may be moving through their ripeness. I'm lobbying for ice cream.
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