These are the kinds of things I think about.
There's nothing like running the oven for most of the day on a July day. But sometimes you just have to run the oven all day to help you power through all the vegetables and leftovers you have accumulated.
It's all for the love of the game.

Tonight, for a salad, I grabbed mostly items from the farm: Romaine lettuce, the oddly named Poona Kheera cucumbers, red onion, dill, lemon, olive oil, salt, pepper, and feta cheese.

When there's this much stuff in the fridge to be used up I usually end up gravitating toward either pizza or pasta. This is mostly because I'm lazy and it's really easy to throw stuff into either of those dishes with minimal effort.
I started off the pizza by smearing a layer of leftover bechamel from Monday's night's moussaka then topping that with a secondary layer of the leftover meat sauce from the same night's moussaka. On top of that I put some of the farm Swiss chard which I'd sauteed with crushed garlic and olive oil. Then I chopped up some leftover rope sausage from the freezer and finished it with thinly sliced farm fennel and mozzarella.

I decided that tonight I would finally polish off the bottle of IBA from Lakefront Brewery. It had been in the fridge for a while now and I was avoiding it because I knew it was going to be a little too bitter for my tastes. Interestingly enough the last time I had a beer form Lakefront Brewery was when we'd originally had the rope sausage back in May. Something about rope sausage somehow makes me feel the need to have a bitter beer from Lakefront Brewery.
Okay, maybe it's not that interesting.

For dessert we had something I made this afternoon -- zucchini bread. Zucchini bread is one of my favorite types of sweet. My favorite type of sweet is one that is what Jen like to call a "cakey substance." While I love zucchini bread I don't think I've made it in at least ten years. It's a shame because I make some pretty bangin' zucchini bread.
I also made some nice ice cream but we didn't get a chance to get around to it tonight because my zucchini bread was so damn good on its own.
My zucchini bread is redonk!
Wonder if Cathy enjoys a nibble of zucchini bread?
Only if it's made by local artisans using heirloom zucchini.
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