When I say it was sleepless I mean it was sleepless for us. The woman sitting to Jen's right apparently had no trouble sleeping. She was asleep about four seconds after taking her seat and didn't wake up for a second until the plane had landed and taxied to the terminal for us to leave. The time between that was spent with this passenger occasionally falling onto Jen, having her tray fall onto her arm (no response) and having the flight attendant shake her violently to ask her to put her tray up and see if she wanted anything to eat or drink.

Isn't it funny how signs are different when you go to a different country? A lot of the signs are the same but apparently they have a problem with nasty women throwing babies into pits in France! Who knew?

Apparently there was also a green hero who was on way to try to save the babies! I pray to God that he wasn't too late. Godspeed, my good man.

We got into Paris and walked around a bit, eventually having Croque Monsieur at a cool little place. We couldn't be too picky today as apparently half the city is closed on Sundays and the other half is also closed through August.

We then walked back to our hotel and took a two-and-a-half hour nap which pretty much took care of our jet lag. We then went out again to do some more walking.

We saw some famous sights!

And we saw some tiny cars!

We then had a pretty good dinner at La Place: mille-feuille with tomato and mozzarella, goat cheese wontons, entrecôte with béarnaise, chocolate cake and pear crisp for dessert. Then we had tiny little cups of coffee which seem to have gone straight to my bloodstream as I've been hyper ever since leaving the restaurant.

On the way back we traveled past Les Invalides again.
We caught a really great view of the Eiffel Tower as well as we made our way back to the hotel after dinner. We tested out the new camcorder by taking a video of it.

Then we traveled to our room in the world's tiniest elevator.
It was a pretty big day, actually several days. So there's no telling what tomorrow will bring!
Hooray for your honeymoon! I liked hearing about what you ate, and seeing the gates of your hotel, and hearing you prattle about Les Invalides.
Everyone is really enjoying reading about Paris and seeing the pictures.
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