Today they took their first trip to a marshlands conservancy, something that took me nearly two thousands weeks to do!

After a nice romp around the marshlands, observing some ragweed, walking by the shore, and observing some wild turkeys we returned to the car where I took Elliott out of his carrier and he laid in this crazy position for about ten minutes. Who can blame him? It looks so comfortable!

After queuing up another seven loads of laundry I put out some avocado slices on bread with feta cheese to tide us over until dinner was ready.

On a walk the other day Jen mentioned how when she was little she used to read a ton of books over the summer and was rewarded by the school with a personal pan pizza. While this sounded like a great reward (particularly for something she was going to do anyway) it struck me as amusing. I decided that as today was the last day of summer I would reward her for a long summer of child rearin' with a personal pan pizza of her own. I used the spinach from the farm share to make this happen.

For my pizza I decided to go Italian style and top it with a cracked egg at the very end. Unfortunately our oven is not exactly level so most of the egg ran off the pizza which ruined my pizza and made plumes of burnt egg smoke fill our apartment. The Wombats didn't seem too bothered by it even when it set the smoke detector off.

In a rare turn of events Jen had a beer and I had a glass of 2010 sauvignon blanc from Beaulieu Vineyard.

For dessert we had some mint chocolate chip ice cream from Adirondack Creamery as we watched The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. to relive the days when we first moved into this place. Martin seemed very enamored with the show and Elliott seemed very enamored with the inside of his eyelids.
We've been taking turns lately as to who picks what we watch each night. Jen's last two picks: Sneakers and The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
With Jen making picks like this I feel I don't even need to take my turn.
Hey! No more digs about New Jersey! The marshlands conservancy looks like a nice autumn day destination. This Jersey girl has never been there.
Sorry, I can't resist the digs on New Jersey. The Marshlands are actually in NY.
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