Thursday, August 23, 2012

Parenting Tip: They Might Be Hungry

I feel like yesterday was a landmark day for the Wombats and, more importantly, for their parents. The Wombats were in pretty good form all day except for a few bouts of sudden shrill shrieking. Each time this happened we would try rocking them, shushing them, walking them around the apartment, giving them a pacifier, and burping them. Each time none of these tricks worked.

As a last resort we would try feeding them and, wouldn't you know, it worked! This is amazing new science that is really going to help us in our parenting.

It's not really that we're stupid or bad parents (though we are both of those things). It's more that we just can't believe sometimes that they could possibly be hungry so soon after eating a tremendous amount of food. Some of these screeching fits happened less than two hours after feeding so, we assumed, it must be something else that was bothering them. They couldn't possibly be hungry again.

It's almost always hunger. Got it.

The Wombats in their Activity Gym

After making this miraculous discovery I got a chance to play with the guys in their activity gym where they got to recreate their favorite battle scenes from The Matrix. Here, Neo and Agent Smith engage in a climactic final battle. Evenly matched, it's anyone's guess as to the fate of the artificial construct.

Uncle Joe with the Wombats

After a long day of discovering (and rediscovering) that the babies only cry because they're hungry we were visited by Uncle Joe! They both seemed to like him quite a lot despite the appearance that Elliott was underwhelmed and Martin was filled with terror.

Grilled Skirt Steak with Corn, "Panzanella", and Boiled Potatoes

I'm still impressed that I can ever find time to make anything at all for dinner. This means that I've gone days forgetting to shower or put on clean underwear but it's still rewarding to know that I can put a very simple dinner together even with the care and feeding of two fussy babies.

I grilled up some skirt steak, corn, and boiled some potatoes which I tossed with olive oil, butter, salt, and pepper.

Tomato and Avocado "Panzanella"

I also made this twist on a panzanella salad with stale bread, avocado, farm tomatoes, farm chilies, red onion, farm basil, lime juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Aumone Sauvignon Blanc (2011)

To go along with dinner I poured this sauvignon blanc.

Harviestoun Brewery Old Dubh

After dinner, for dessert, I enjoyed this Old Dubh Special Reserve 12 from Harviestoun Brewery in Scotland. This is a barrel aged beer, aged in whiskey barrels and was bottled in July of 2009. It was a very rich stout-like beer with bitter chocolate and coffee flavors. Not your ideal summer beer but a great beer to drink slowly as you rig up babies to tandem breastfeed and change diapers.

The coffee notes are really accentuated by wet and poopy diapers.


Michelle Mondoux said...

I like how their monkey onesies form a single helix, representing RNA. Very scientifically sophisticated.

Jen said...

Michelle, I'm glad you noticed that. You'd be surprised how many people fail to note the reference.

Jen said...
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