Saturday, August 11, 2012

Good Eats, Great Aunts

The Wombats have had some visits from some aunts. Don't get me wrong, they've been some pretty good aunts. Even really good aunts but today they were visited, for the first time, by great aunts!

Great Aunt Pat with Martin, Great Aunt Deb with Elliott

One reason they are great is that they brought us both lunch and dinner. Another reason they are great is a technicality in that they are my mother's sisters.

After a long day of watching indoor Olympic volleyball it was nice to get a visit and take some time off from watching the most overly-televised sport of the 2012 Summer Games.

Great Aunt Pat's Spinach Pie

Green Salad with Spicy Avocado Vinaigrette

Great Aunt Pat's Herbed Italian Snack Mix

Great Aunt Pat made her famous spinach pie (much to my father's dismay) along with Italian snack mix and I put together a salad with whatever was left lying around in the fridge.

2010 Marigny-Neuf Sauvignon Blanc

We also celebrated the great arrival with a bottle of 2010 Marigny-Neuf Sauvignon Blanc. Well, they did. I had water because I was the designated parent.

Gathering for Wombat Appreciation Day 2012

After that it was a long day of hanging out with the Wombats . . .

More Gifts For The Wombats

. . . opening lots of gifts . . .

"Sorry About Your Shirt, Grandpa Butch."  -- Elliott

. . . and ruining Grandpa Butch's shirt.

Wombat Appreciation Day Dinner

For dinner my mother made a big pan of lasagna and vegetarian meatballs, Great Aunt Pat made a delicious bean salad.

2007 Chateau Lalande-Boire Saint-Juilien

I also opened this bottle of 2007 Chateau Lalande-Boire Saint-Julien to celebrate the occasion. This was a nice reminder of our trip to Bordeaux last summer, the last time we will be to France (or outside the New York City Metro Area) for quite some time.

Great Aunt Deb's Blondies

Great Aunt Debbie made my favorite blondies as well, the perfect end to a great day.

I'm hopeful that we can have guests every day for the next year that will come over, bring dinner, and do dishes. If we receive this level of support then things are going to be much, much easier.

Email me if you want to volunteer for some shifts!

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