Martin and Elliott kicked their illnesses very quickly and have taken to preparing elaborate feasts. When they are really mad with each other (or their dear parents) they angrily proclaim, "You cannot come to my feast!"
This has replaced, "You cannot come to my birthday!" as their number one insult/threat. They're so cross when they say it that their lips quiver and their voices tremble.
This is serious business.

We made pizza cones one night, something we were conned into buying at a school fundraiser. It went over pretty well but thankfully they have not requested a reprise as we do not have the supplies to ever duplicate this again.

As a special treat one night I brought homea cherry pie. Martin ate his happily.

Elliott had a bite then just ate his ice cream. When I asked if he was going to eat any more he said, "No thank you. It's not delicious enough."
This beats the other night when I came home from work with Chinese food. This was the first time I have ever picked up food on the way home from work. They both cried and screamed and refused to eat dinner then had tantrums when it was announced that they could not have dessert.
I will never try to do anything nice or spontaneous for them ever again.

A certain ice cream shop opened up for the season and was giving away free cones so we took a trip after dinner. The boys were extremely gregarious that evening. Martin was his normal level of gregarious while Elliott as at near-Martin levels which is much less common for him.
They burst onto the sidewalk where people were eating their ice cream and Elliott announced, "Hi! We're twins!"

Josephine had what may have been her first ice cream and was not disappointed with the results.

For St. Patrick's Day we made shepherd's pie. Josephine ate about six times as much as her brothers but the pictures are far too graphic to share.
Martin chugged the green milkshake I made for him.

Elliott had a much more conservative approach and savored the milkshake.

The following weekend we attended the most big league pancake breakfast the world has ever seen. There was a full brass band, carnival games, face painting, and a man dressed as a bear.

Josephine was extremely excited about her first pancake breakfast as we did not bring her along to the last one we attended.

Elliott made short work of his pancakes so he could knock down cans at point blank range.

Martin made a beeline for the face painting station where he demanded a Spider-Man mask even though we had to wash it off twenty minutes later for swim class.

Josie's 11 month birthday came up and we celebrated with cupcakes.
Josie also celebrated with an enthusiastic round of ankle twirls.

This was followed by grandma's birthday and celebratory croissants which Josie ate off the floor, the way she gets most of her sustenance.

In fact I even found that Josie has been stashing all of her droppings in this watering can, presumably for safe keeping.
Josie has also taken to playing ball and gets extremely rambunctious as she rolls it back to you.

On Sunday, after we used our St. Patrick's Day leftovers to make Reubens, the children ran amok and Lauren was able to capture this, the first picture of all five cousins together.
While it's not the best composed photo ever taken it does present a particularly true representation about what getting the five of them together is like these days.
Better photos of the five may happen, but a more accurate picture may never be taken.
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