Usually Martin is the swatter with poor Elliott being relegated to the swattee position. Yesterday morning, however, things took a different turn.

Elliott somehow located Martin's ear and grabbed onto it so tightly I thought that when we finally pried his grubby little hands off of Martin's ear I thought there may be a diamond in his palm like that scene in Superman III.

Strangely Martin didn't seem to mind that his brother had a pincer-like grip on his ear. Let's face it though, even if he was crying we would have had to take a moment to get some pictures before coming to his rescue. We're like photojournalists that way.

After I headed to work Jen picked up the weekly share. This week we got a bunch of mizuna, four pounds of potatoes (we were able to swap a head of cabbage to double our allotment since the boys don't seem to tolerate cabbage particularly well), a bunch of parsley, a bunch of collard greens, a bunch of radishes, a head of celeriac, two cobs of pop corn, Bosc pears, Golden Delicious Apples, Spartan Apples, and some ornamental gourds.
Today was a rainy day but the Wombats took a terrifically long mid morning nap, ate, then fell asleep on our afternoon walk and slept again in their car seats on the couch for three hours. It's always a mixed bag when they sleep for that long. On the one hand it gives me a tremendous amount of time to get things done. Yet still I was not happy about it and after an hour wanted them to wake up so that I could play with them. Tomorrow it will not be rainy and, perhaps, the babies will be awake and fussy all day and I will long for the sleepy afternoon we had today.
There is no satisfying the amateur parent.

For dinner I made this soup with onion, garlic, butternut squash, potato, and onion, all from the farm. I pureed it all with some vegetable stock and topped it with fried sage leaves.

For beer I cracked open this Imperial Pumpkin from the Long Trail Brewing Company Brewmasters Series. It had a malty flavor reminiscent of a Belgian Dubbel, a first in this season's pumpkin offerings. We've got quite a few more pumpkin beers to go but here are the standings so far . . .
2012 Pumpkin Beer Standings
- Shipyard Brewing Company Smashed Pumpkin - more pumpkin than spice
- Samuel Adams Fat Jack Double Pumpkin Ale - rich maltiness
- Long Trail Brewmasters Series Imperial Pumpkin - dubbel-style malt
- Uinta Brewing Company Punk'n - nicely balanced
- New Holland Brewing Company Ichabod Ale - heavy spice
- Captain Lawrence Brewing Company Pumpkin Ale - slightly sour
- Fire Island Beer Company Pumpkin Barrel Ale - too much cinnamon

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