Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Great Ravioli Tragedy of 2009

Yesterday we began the final steps in signing the lease for our new apartment! In celebration we ate dinner out. However, tonight we had to continue the task of cleaning out as much food from our freezer, pantry, fridge, and farm share as possible to minimize the amount of foods we have to move. That meant it was time to put together a dinner keeping this goal in mind.

Sadly, with this goal, sometimes dinner has to be weird.

For a salad I made a yawn-inducing beet and goat cheese salad, all from the farm. It may be trite but it was delicious. The beets from the farm are the palest I've ever seen. It's as if they were attacked by some sort of vegetarian vampire.

For a main course I sauteed some garlic and red onion and cooked it down with some kale and wax beans. You may be thinking that this seems like a strange main course. You may also be wondering what those ravioli-shaped things are that are clearly in this picture.

Well, they're raviolis. I prefer to call them tragediolis. For reasons unknown they turned this horrendous brownish color around the edges. I volunteered to sample them and quickly regretted my decision. Something went horribly wrong and they tasted sour and disgusting. It was a horrible tragedy that will go down in pasta history.

To make up for the fact that we no longer had enough food to eat I quickly cooked up these cheese toasts with some leftover bread and the Armenian string cheese from the other night.

It ended up being a weird dinner. I knew it was going to be a weird dinner originally when I set out to clean out the freezer with the raviolis, however, it took a different weird turn than I'd expected.

So it goes. Tomorrow will hopefully take different approach assuming the items being cleaned out of the freezer are not infected with the same bizarre curse that the raviolis were.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Wow, having ravioli go bad almost makes me cry!